set off in the pouring rain from walshaw dean towards top withens farm near haworth.
a very long time since i went there.
along the way despite the rain a few red grouse were seen along with grey wagtail,curlew and a couple of oystercatchers.
birding was not my main aim today as i wanted to see the supposed location of 'wuthering heights' the novel by emily bronte.approaching from withens clough is a bit of a let down as the site does not look as bleak as the title suggests cos you can see all of bradford and leeds in the distance!
to be honest the farm is a bit of a let down as it seems quite well looked after! it still has door on and a bit of a roof!but still they come to see the site.
even the signs are in
top withens
even the bronte society do not even recognise the farm as the location.

so where is wuthering heights?the most likely location is high sunderland hall at horley green,halifax,
though long since demolished(1950's)the description matches,
and emily was working as a teacher at law hill school southowram when she wrote the novel.
its a shame the hall was ripped down.high sunderland hall