a new place of work means i cannot get to the 'with' after work
after visiting the parents this morning,i headed to spurn armed with freshly made sausage rolls which were all eaten whilst stuck behind the slowest fucking driver in the world!
spurn was full of fucking numpty birdwatchers not what i like but he ho! even a coach trip from huddersfield but i swerved them lot! though met up with a few decent birders mr cunnimgham and mr hewitt were as always friendly and chatty.
spent most of my time along the long bank which gets very few birders apart from the ones that know!
spent the last few hours enjoying the woodchat shrike,is it me or are birds like this more attractive in juv/1st winter plumage? loads of subtle colours and detail................i ove em!
woodchat shrike
sammys point
sammys point