Sunday, 4 May 2008

birds in flight,wheldrake and bubwith

yesterday was spent tidying the garden,though i managed to get in the evening to elland gravel pits i overlooked a adult shag sat on the ramp(doh!!!) it was small and black i should of paid more attention!

after visiting the parents in selby,i headed to wheldrake,ok it was warm but still rained now and again.lots of swifts.
swifts are very tricky to photograph so i used,iso 250-800 and underexposed by 2 full stops as it was a grey sky.

common swift

marsh harrier

common snipe




indigomar said...

Beautiful bird pics! All of the swift shots and the pics in previous posts. I found you via Zooms's Blog and as a birdwatcher (in the U.S.), I fully appreciate your commentary and pictures. We are currently in the midst of our spring migration and today marked the 4th of our 6 official spring bird walks in which numbers and data are recorded for the National Audubon Society. We had an English birdwatcher with us today. It was great to share our bird sitings with him.
Mary Ann in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Your judgement in the contre jour shots of the aerial birds was nigh perfect and the Harrier and Whimbrel shots reek of atmosphere.