Monday 6 October 2008

potteric carr sunday

this place is fast becoming my favorite reserve,my fave is still leighton moss which was the first place outside halifax i ever went birding way back in 1985.
ok its a bit of a dudes place,but it is now so large you seem to have the place to yourself(unless you want to see bitterns the hides always packed)very friendly people which makes a change from the 'top' bird sites on the east coast,most are bit clique,though spurn is ok as i know a few of the birders.maybe the only other top birding area with decent locals is..............well,north of the tees (Cleveland,Durham and Northumberland) everytime ive visited the locals are great.
anyway back to potteric carr
loads of wildlife still around.birds were on the quiet side so i photographed some of fungi around,out of the 4 pics here i only know the 'fly agaric' so any help please.

great tit

the last butterflies of the year i think


lots of the fungi were dead or dying.i had a look in my very cheap book but im at loss,i think the yellow one maybe 'yellow brain fungus'


zooms said...

Nice post Darrel, sorry, can't help with the fungi.

abbey meadows said...

The top one looks like Porcelain fungus and the second one has a cap like Slender parasol but a fibrous stem so it could be Brick cap fungus. The yellow one is definately Yellow brain.

Alastair said...


The yellow one is as you suggest Tremella mesenterica, Yellow Brain Fungus I think.

The bottom one is Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria - it's very poisonous and contains LSD - so you don't know you're dying but you are :-)

Aye, we're that unfriendly we'll chuck you off Hawsker cliffs if you dare birding here.

darrell j prest said...


did you read it properly i said 'top bird' areas;)
not ones that suppress locations,i feel sorry for anyone that goes to saltwick nab on a 'twitch' when the bird will be further down the coast at whitestone point!!!!!!

Alastair said...

I thought that might be coming .... I'd practice your flying/swimming skills if you plan to venture this way..... only kidding Darrell, honest.