Saturday, 8 May 2010

siddal to shibden and back via bank top and southowram

did 12 miles today!
quite a cool day with the sun coming out at times.
headed from home to Horley Green via Old Bank then dropped down Horley green Lane to the Old Shibden Mill Inn was made up with the 2 grey partridge that flew from the track (a green list lifer!!)
at the junction of Whiskers Lane and Lee Lane i decided to go up Simm Carr Lane towards Limed House,very little though jay and green woodpecker are not to be sniffed at.
a Whitethroat at Bare Head Tunnel was the first of the year as were the swifts over Kell Lane.

shibden park had jays and green woodpeckers.

as i head back home from Southowram down Coal Pit Lane,lapwing,linnet,chiifchaff and another whitethroat were seen

horley green lane

Clipster Hall



Warren Baker said...

your lanes really are lanes Darrell, the lanes in kent could take a double decker bus! Spectacular scenery there.

darrell j prest said...

cheers warren, im sure theres a lesser whitethroat lurking in the valley
but the shibden valley is far too steep.