Saturday, 30 October 2010
no waxings today
Friday, 29 October 2010
young birders

Thursday, 28 October 2010
woodcock,little owl and lashings of ginger beer
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
more waxwings
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
seek and thee shall find
Monday, 25 October 2010
birds and sunshine around southowram
Sunday, 24 October 2010
high royd sf
Saturday, 23 October 2010
around the parish of southowram
Despite the crappy weather I set off this afternoon on a nice long walk around southowram,I love this time of year,the leaves are falling and changing colour giving the area some much needed colour, the air is full of wood smoke and as the evening draws in the village has that nice coal fire smell.
I was in a rambling mood and found quite a few new footpaths and bridleways to explore, started out towards coal pit lane which had 62 fieldfare, 49 common gulls and 8 linnets,as I reached southowram another 16 fieldfares flew over marshals quarry.
Made my way towards southowram cricket club and decided to follow binns top lane into park wood along here I saw 2 jay’s , 1 great spotted woodpecker 6 goldcrest’s and a treecreeper. Park wood was very quiet apart from 3 jay’s.
Elland gp offered a chance for some good birds, I reality it was poor 38 siskin, 18 redpoll, 2 cormorant,1 great crested grebe, 2 tufted ducks and 1 grey heron. I decided to go to freemasons wood and take the track to the delvers, I always find this area very quiet so I wasn’t surprised to see nothing. Wood lane which is across the road from the delvers and heads into the walterclough valley had large numbers of thrushes 27 redwings, 15 blackbirds, 8 song thrushes along with 2 female bullfinches.heading along the top of walterclough valley towards marsh delves I saw very little with only 8 mistle thrush near the long gone ‘who could a thought it’ pub.
Marsh delves towards beacon hill, I came across and a few bird feeders in a garden near long lane usual birds with 1 great spotted woodpecker and 2 coal tits. Bank top village had a good count of 11 collared doves. Nothing at beacon hill, the long slog home along the hebble was brightened up with 3 grey wagtails and 2 dippers.
After that 14 mile walk I don’t feel so guilty about having a few beers and burgers this evening!!!

Friday, 22 October 2010
old BBRC rejected birds
Saturday, 16 October 2010
calling all Halifax Birders
Saturday, 9 October 2010
the scillies go into meltdown